
Rhythmic Ability as a Distinctive Repercussion among Disparate Playing Positions of Handball

The objective of the study was to investigate the Distinctive Repercussions of Rhythmic Ability among Disparate Playing Positions of Handball. A total of seventy (N = 70) University level male Handball Players were selected from different Universities in India. Random sampling was used for the study. The entire subject’s age was ranging from 18 to 26 years. Disparate playing positions (DPP) were selected as Independent Variable (IV), on the other hand Rhythmic Ability (RA) was selected as Dependent Variable (DV). To measure Rhythmic Ability (RA) “Sprint at given Rhythm test” was used and score was recorded in seconds. Static Group Design was used to conduct the study. All the selected Handball Players were equally divided in to seven groups (Seven Playing Positions). To investigate the Distinctive Repercussions among Disparate Playing Positions in relation to Rhythmic Ability of Handball Players, one way analysis of variance was used at .05 level of significance. To test the homogeneity of variance, levene statistics was used. Descriptive statistics, Q.Q. Plots and Formal Tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test & Shapiro-Wilk Test) were used to test of normality. To compare paired means, Sidak Post-Hoc test was used. Results shows that F- Value of 3.061 is found significant (p<.05). This statistically justify that significant difference is found among disparate playing positions of Handball in Rhythmic Ability (R.A.) means different level of Rhythmic Ability is required among Disparate Playing Positions of Handball.

Key Words: Rhythmic Ability, Handball, Handball Playing Position.

Authors: Devender Prakash & Rakesh Kumar Patel

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