
Contribution of Ashtang Yoga in Enhancing the Psychological Variable and Quality Of Life of Young Adults

The purpose of the research was to evaluate the Psychological variable effects of four months of daily practice (except Sunday and gazzeted holidays) ashtang yoga training .The hypothesis was that four months of ashtang yoga
practice would have positive effects on Psychological variable -Attention capacity as supported by previous research. Theparticipants included 80 adults (male and female) both from Govt. P.G College, Bilaspur Rampur (U.P). The subjects were
ranging from 18-21 years of age. The subjects were divided into two equal groups consisting of forty subjects each belonging to one experimental and one control group. Participant in the group engaged in 1 hour of ashtang yoga, daily
practice (except Sunday and gazzeted holidays) over a four month of period, while the Control group not exposed to any kind of activity.(Statistical analysis revealed significant effect of ashtang yoga practice) An analysis of variance (ANOVA) found a statistically significant improvement between pre and post tests core on all the variables. This study concludes that four month ashtang yoga practice provide a sufficient stimulus to improve the Psychological variable in untrained college adults.
Key Words: Ashtang Yoga, Psychological, Young Adults, Quality of Life

Author’s- Mrs. Neelima Singh, Dr.Usha Lohan

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