

International Journal of Physical Education & Sports (IJPES) is a peer reviewed and referred journal, formally publishes high-level original research articles made in the field of physical Education & Sports. The journal publishes scientific publications according to the criteria listed in the Guidelines for the Authors. IJPES publishes monthly issues in English Language (only online version). The journal accepts articles of a high standard on various aspects of the physical education and sport sciences; movement and training, coaching, biomechanics, anatomy & exercise physiology, sports sociology, sport-health, sports psychology, kinanthropometry, sport management and other interdisciplinary perspectives. IJPES welcomes research articles from physical educators, sports scientists, health educators, coaches, athlete trainers and research scholars profoundly involved in physical education researches from all over the world to report their research findings and experiences with us. Applications of the publications are open throughout the year.


Journal Title

International Journal of Physical Education & Sports (IJPES)

Shortened Key Title

Int. J. Phy. Edu. Spo.

Variant Title


Editor in chief

Prof. Rajeev Chaudhary

Deputy Editor

Dr. Tilak Raj Meena

Year of First Issue


Frequency of Journal Issues




Impact Factor


Nature of Publication:


Covered Areas

Sports Coaching, Test And Measurement, Sports Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Kinanthropometry, Sports Psychology, Sports Medicine, Anatomy & Exercise Physiology, Sports Management, Adapted Physical Education, Health Education, Nutrition And Health, Recreation, Yoga, Sports Sociology, Pedagogy, Teacher Education etc.