
Speed among Different Playing Positions, Levels and Their Interaction in Netball

This study was conducted by taking three objectives. First objective of the study was to compare Speed among Different Playing Positions i. e. Goal Shooter (G.S.), Goal Attack (G.A.), Wing Attack (W.A.), Centre (C.), Wing Defence (W.D.), Goal Defence (G.D.) and Goal Keeper (G.K.) in Netball. Second objective of the study was to compare Speed among three Different Levels (District, State and National) of Netball Players. Third objective of the study was to find out the interactions of Different Playing Positions and Different Levels in relation to Speed of Netball Players. The study was conducted by taking Speed as a variable. Seven playing positions of Netball players were selected Goal shooter, Goal Attack, Wing Attack, Centre, Wing Defence, Goal Defence and Goal Keeper. The subjects for this study was selected from Different Levels i.e. District, State and National. A total of 210 Netball Players were selected from Different Levels and Different Playing Position i. e., 30 Players from each Playing Position and 70 Players from each Level. The age of the subjects were ranged from 17 to 28 years. To compare Speed among different Playing positions i. e. Goal Shooter (G.S.), Goal Attack (G.A.), Wing attack (W.A.), Centre (C.), Wing Defence (W.D.), Goal Defence (G.D.) and Goal Keeper (G.K.) in Netball, to compare Speed among three different levels (National, State and District) of Netball players and to find out the interactions of different playing positions and different levels in relation to Speed of Netball Players, Two Way Analysis of Variance was used. The level of significance was set at .05. Significant difference was found between District level & State level players; State level & National level players. In case of levels, 35% variance in speed was explained by levels.
Key words: Speed, Playing Positions, Levels.
Authors: Dr. Priyanka Singh
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