The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Forty Eight Weeks Swimming Training on Resting Pulse Rate of swimmers. Materials and Methods: For achieving the purpose of this study total 50 male beginner swimmers were selected as subject from H.V.P.Mandal’s Amravati, Maharashtra. Their age was ranging from 12 to 15 years, Resting Pulse Rate was counted by putting finger tips on the radial artery in one minute by using Stop watch on both the selected groups i.e. Experimental and Control groups, and score was recorded in numbers. Only experimental group underwent swimming Training for 48 weeks. Pre Mid and Post tests were applied for both the groups to find out the significant effect of swimming training on Resting Pulse Rate. Result: The data were analyzed through‘t’-test and ANOVA statistical techniques. The statistical findings revealed that experimental group significantly improved Resting Pulse Rate through swimming training. Conclusions: Resting Pulse Rate has significantly decreased among the subjects of Experimental group after 48 weeks of swimming training, whereas insignificant effect has occurred due to 24 weeks of swimming training programme, whereas no significant improvement has been shown in Control group.
Key Words: Resting Pulse Rate, Swimmers.
Auhor: Dr. Yogesh S. Nirmal
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