Background: Regular physical activity is one of the most important things for maintaining good health of sports person. Cardio respiratory fitness helps in the improvement of playing performance. In respiration, Vital capacity is the maximum amount of air, a person can expel from lung after a maximum inhalation. The various muscles are involved in Vital capacity. Present scenario of soccer is totally different to old. Aerobic and anaerobic training with ball is more important in present Soccer training. Higher level of performance depends upon higher level of physical fitness and specific positional game’s techniques and tactics.
Method: Total 107 male Soccer Players were registered for this study from Varanasi District, aged mean 15.60±0.960 years. Total 107 subject were randomly divided into three groups namely Aerobic Group (N=36), Anaerobic Group (N=36) and Control Group (N=35) and farther divided in three sub group Vataj ,Pittaj and Khaphaj Moreover , to analysis’ the effect of aerobic and anaerobic training on different type of prakriti. Out of 107,17 players dropped out from the study. Further 90 Soccer Players were continued/participated in study [Aerobic Group (N=30), Anaerobic Group (N=30) and Control Group (N=30)]. On alternate days, training was given accordingly to Aerobic and anaerobic group. Control group did not participate in training they continued their regular training.
Result: The mean value of vital capacity in Aerobic Group from pre to post intervention was 3.59 and 4.31 respectively, which was found statistically significant (p=0.003). Although, in anaerobic group, the Mean value was increased from pre to post intervention, 3.34 & 3.85 respectively, which was also found statistically significant (p=0.032). Further applying ANCOVA, pair wise group comparison result showed statistically significant difference between aerobic and control group (P=0.000). In Prakriti wise Comparison of Aerobic group, pre to post intervention, statistically significant difference was found in Pittaj and kaphaj prakriti.
Conclusion: It is concluded that both (Aerobic and Anaerobic) procedures bring positive effect on vital capacity. In aerobic group, training shows more improvement in comparison to anaerobic group. After training, better improvement was observed in Pittaj Prakriti persons in comparison to Kapahaj prakriti and Vataj Prakriti of Aerobic group.
Key Words: Aerobic, Anaerobic, Kapahaj prakriti and Vataj Prakriti Pittaj prakriti.
Authors: Dharmendra Kaithal, Dr. Vikram Singh & Dr. Narendra Shenker Tripathi
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