The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of Forward road running on Flexibility and Muscular Power of Sports Related Persons. For this study, out of ninety students, twenty male subjects were selected randomly from Post Graduate Institute for Physical Education, of Himachal Pradesh India. The age of the subjects ranged between 21 to 27 years. Further the subjects were divided into two equal groups N=20, namely Group – A (Road running), and Group – B (Control group). The variables selected for the study was Flexibility and Muscular Power, Flexibility was measured by Front to rear split test and Side split test and Muscular Power was measured by Standing Broad jump. The pre-test data was collected prior to the administration of experimental training programme and after the completion of the training programme the post-test was conducted and the data was collected in the evening respectively at the laboratory of college premises. A Ten weeks training schedule was prepared by the researcher with the help of supervisor and other coaching professionals to investigate the effect of Road Running. In order to investigative the existence of significant difference between Road running group and Control group on Flexibility and Muscular Power of sports related persons, the analysis of Co-variance statistic was used and the level of significance was set at 0.05 level (p<0.05). To say specifically, Flexibility was improved not but Muscular power was found significantly improved due to the effect of road running.
Key Words: Road Running, Flexibility, Muscular Power.
Author: Shashi Kant
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