
Effect of Emotional Intelligence Programme on the Performance of Amateur Sports

Emotional intelligence (EI) has been reported to be more realistic than other measures in evaluating performances in many fields of human activities. However, research evidences reveal that its application to amateur athletes and it’s possible effectiveness in enhancing sports performances is yet unknown. This study therefore investigated the effectiveness of emotional intelligence programme on the performances of amateur athletes from selected sports in U.P. The pre test, post test randomized control group quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. The fish bow method of the simple random, sampling technique was used to select four sports, which include basketball, handball, volley ball and weightlifting. The modified Emotional Competence Inventory Version 2 (ECI2) (α=0.8 and the Emotional Competence Development Module Sports Version (ECDMSPORTS) (α =0.79) were administered to 92 male and female amateur athletes whose ages ranged between 18 and 25. The experimental groups were exposed to six weeks of emotional competence training using the ECDM Sports programme. Two hypotheses were tested at significant level of 0.05. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The results revealed significant difference in (El) post-test (Exp.x=196.20; Control x= 186.98) (P< 0.05). Further, the treated group consequently performed better in the sports performance posttest (x=66.19) than the control group (x=52.30) (P<0.05). Results further indicated no significant difference in the El and sports performance scores between the sports groups that were treated (P>0.05). This showed that the amateur athletes from all the sports groups equally utilized and benefited from the treatment programme.
Key Words: Sports Performance, Emotional Intelligence.
Authors: Mahesh Yadav, Rajan Bhatia, Devendra Kumar
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