The purpose of this study to find out significant difference between combative Sports and Team game Sports Person on the variable emotional intelligence. It was hypothesized that there would be significant difference with regard to variable emotional intelligence between combative Sports and Team game Sports Person. For this study, the investigator has selected forty (N=40) male combative Sports Person and forty (N=40) male Team game Sports Person players. Age limits is 19 to 28 years of subjects. The Purposive sampling technique was used to select the subjects. t-test was employed to compare the emotional intelligence between combative Sports and Team game Sports Person. For testing the hypothesis, the level of significance was set at 0.05. In order to measure emotional intelligence Hyde et al (2001) questionnaire is used. The present study has highlighted the significance of difference between combative Sports and Team game Sports Person. Results indicated that there significant difference was found between combative Sports and Team game Sports Person in their Emotional Intelligence.
Key Words:Emotional Intelligence, Combative Sports & Team Game Sports Person.
Authors: Dr. Vineeta Singh & Mr. Karan Bahadur Singh