
Comparative Study of Body Mass Index among Male Soccer Players at Different Playing Positions


Objective: To compare the Body Mass Index among Male Soccer Players at Different Playing Positions i.e. Goal Keepers, Defenders, Central Midfielders & Forwards players.

Method: To compare the Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) among Male Soccer Players at Different Playing Positions: i.e. Goal Keepers, Defenders, Central Midfielders & Forwards. The total numbers of 80 subjects (20 each from Goal Keepers, Defenders, Central Midfielders & Forwards) were selected from among Male national level Soccer Players. The age group ranged between 18 to 25 years. who were attend the national level tournaments. While selecting the variables, the literature and the opinions of the experts, test conduction facilities, availabilities of the equipment’s, etc.  were taken into consideration.  The Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) was selected for the purpose of the present study. In order to find-out significant difference among of Body Mass Index among Male Soccer Players at Different Playing Positions on Body Mass Index ANOVA was used. To know more about the pattern of differences existing within a set of population means, Least Significant Difference (LSD) Post-hoc test was used. The significance was tested at 0.05 level. All the statistical procedure was performed with the help of SPSS (V.19).

Result: The result of the study reveals that there was a significant difference in the mean score of Body Mass Index. among Selected national level Male Soccer Players at Different Playing Positions. The reported mean scores and standard deviation of Body Mass Index. (kg/m2) in relation to national level goal keeper is 19.21 and 1.51. The mean and standard deviation of Body Mass Index (kg/m2) in relation to national level Defenders is 19.62 and 1.41. The mean and standard deviation of Body Mass Index (kg/m2) in relation to national level Central Midfielders is 18.58 and .81. The mean and standard deviation of Body Mass Index (kg/m2) in relation to national level Forwards is 20.08 and 1.73.

Key words: Body Mass Index, Goal Keepers, Defenders, Central Midfielders & Forwards Players.
Authors: Mr. Ajay Meena & Mr. Banti Kumar

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