
A Comparative Study on Mental Toughness Among Basketball and Badminton Players

The aim of the study was to compare mental toughness among Basketball Players and Badminton Players. For the purpose of the study of total 48 players were selected from LNIPE, Gwalior. Where 24 basketball players and 24 badminton players respectively were selected. The selected players age group was delimited to 18 to 25 years. All the samples selected on random basis. The selected samples from Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior to measure Mental toughness between Basketball Players and badminton Players. To assess mental toughness level of selected subjects.  In order to assess the mental toughness of basketball and badminton players by Sandeep Tiwari. To compare the Mental toughness level of selected samples ‘t’- test was used. Result of the study shows that there is significant difference between Basketball players and badminton players in Mental toughness and Badminton players It is indicated that badminton players mental toughness is higher than basketball players Mental.

Keywords: Mental Toughness, Basketball Players, Badminton Players.
Authors: Nishant Singh, Kuwar Praveen Singh, Pundlik Bandu Burande, Dr. Tilak Raj Meena

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