
Investigation of physical fitness and fat percentage of intervarsity Investigation of physical fitness and fat percentage of intervarsity male players Investigation of physical fitness and fat percentage of intervarsity


The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between Body Fat %
performance among the male basketball players. For the purpose of this study 30 male basketball players were selected randomly from GGV, Bilaspur (CG).The age of the subjects range between 19 physical fitness selected the AAHPER Test. For measure body fat percentage used percentage body fat prediction equation reported by Jackson & Pollock, 1978. To determine the significant relationship between the Body Fat percentage with physical fitness performance, Pearso significance was chosen at 0.05. The analysis of data revealed that there is a significant relationship between body fat percentage and physical fitness performance.
Key words: Body fat percentage, physical fitness, AAHPER test

Author’s-Sunita Bisht , Dr. Sanjit Sardar

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