The purpose of the study was to find out the analysis of playing ability and explosive power and muscular endurance among women volleyball players. To achieve this purpose of the study, sixty women players were selected as subjects who belonging to various states participated in the South Zone Inter University Volleyball Championship held at Krishna University, Machilipatnam. The selected subjects were aged between 18 to 25 years. The dependent variable for the present investigation was playing ability of women volleyball players. The 12 subjects each selected from University of Calicut, M G University, Hindustan University, University of Madras and Krishna University teams. The independent variable chosen for the present investigation were explosive power and muscular endurance. The data collected from the women volleyball players were statistically treated. Descriptive statistics was computed for volleyball playing ability (dependent variable), teams separately. To examine the association between dependent and independent variables, correlation was applied. Stepwise multiple regressions were worked out to explore the predominance of independent variables of women volleyball players. Further, one way analysis of variance was computed to find out the significance of difference among the female volleyball players of five teams, for dependent variable and each independent variables separately. Whenever the F ratio is significant, to know which of the paired mean differ significantly, Scheffe’s test was applied. The level of significance was fixed as 0.01. The findings of the present study indicate that the explosive power and muscular endurance are having positive relationship with their playing ability. The maximum of playing ability of the players are mainly due to their muscular endurance. The players of the different teams differ significantly in their playing ability and the variables of muscular endurance and explosive power.
Keywords: playing ability, volleyball, explosive power, muscular endurance.
Author’s-R. Krishna Veni, Prof Y. Kishore