
Comparison of speed and explosive strength of volleyball and basketball university level male players


Purpose of the present study was to compare volleyball and basketball university male players in relation to their speed and explosive strength. Total 104 players (51 volleyball players and 53 basketball players) were selected from east zone Tripura University, Agartala and KIIT, Bhubaneshwar where east zone volleyball and basketball male university level tournament held in the session 2015-16. The age range of volleyball and basketball male players is 18 to 25 years. To know the nature of the data descriptive statistics was applied and to compare the volleyball and basketball university male players in relation to Speed and Explosive Strength independent t-test was applied. All statistical data were analysis with SPSS 16.0. Level of significance was set at 0.05.The mean and SD of volleyball male players is 7.02 and 0.85 in relation speed. The mean and SD of basketball is 6.68 and 0.737 in relation speed. The t-value is 2.14 is significant at 0.05 level. The t-value shows significant difference was found between the mean score of the volleyball players and basketball players in comparison to scores of speed. The mean score of volleyball and basketball university male players are 37.64 & 38.81 and SD 8.012 & 8.44 in relation explosive strength. The t-value is 0.723 is no significant at 0.05 level. The t-value shows no significant difference was found between the mean score of the volleyball male players and basketball male players in comparison to scores of Explosive strength. On the basis of findings of the study it is clear that significant difference was found between volleyball male players and basketball male players in comparison to Speed. On the other hand there is no significant difference was found between volleyball male players and basketball male players in comparison to Explosive Strength.

Keywords: Volleyball Players, Basketball Players, Speed, Explosive Strength, Male.

Author’s- Dr. Jaswant Singh Thakur , Ajay Kumar Pandey

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