The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of sport loading and plyometric training on strength among football players. Forty five male (n = 48) amateur football players were randomly selected as subjects and their age ranged from 18 to 22 years. The selected subjects were randomly assigned into three equal groups of fifteen subjects each (n= 15), namely experimental group I was underwentsport loading (SL), group II underwent plyometric training (PG) was designed by the investigator and was administered for a period of 8 weeks 3 days a week, a session each day, and group III control was not exposed to any specific training (CG). Strength was selected as variable for this study. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analysethe data. Scheffe’s test was used as a post hoc test to determine which of the paired mean difference significantly. The result of the study revealed that Sport loading (SL), and plyometric training (PG) produced significant improvement on strength (p0.05) as compared to CG.
Keywords: Sport loading, Plyometric training, strength
Author-Dr. Biju Sukumar