
Relationship of selected physical fitness variables with the performance of male Long Jumpers


In the present study total twenty college male long jumper athletes were selected as subject on the basis of purposive sample selection. The samples were selected from different college of Bilaspur during District level athletic tournament. The age of subjects were ranging from 18 to 24 years. Under independent Variables researcher has selected (Physical Fitness Variables)–Speed, Agility, Flexibility and under dependent Variables is Long Jump Performance. Before the test proper instructions were given by the researcher. Data were collected by researcher with the help of some volunteers. Subjects were given to three chance and permitted to they can use any jumping technique. Best of three trials will be considered as performance. For determining the significant relationships of selected anthropometric and physical fitness variables with the fast bowling performance, descriptive statistics and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used for the analysis of data with the help of SPSS (16.0 version) software and the level of significance was set at 0.05 level of confidence. The mean scores of Speed, Agility, Flexibility and Long Jump performance is 6.851, 9.100, 37.035 and 4.795. The correlation value of Speed, Agility and Flexibility is -.759, -.839, .860 that shows significance relationship of selected physical fitness variables with the long jump performance.

Key words: Long Jump Performance, Speed, Agility, Flexibility

Author’s- Kunvar Singh , Dr. Ratnesh Singh

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