
Effect of four weeks pawanmuktasana yogic training on abdominal strength, back strength and flexibility of physical education students


 The purpose of the study was to know the effect of Pawanmuktasana Yogic Training on abdomen strength, back strength and flexibility of physical education students. For the purpose of the present study total 30 physical education students were selected from department of physical education students G.G.V. Bilaspur (C.G.). The age of the subjects was ranging between 21-26 years.Keeping the feasibility criterion on mind researcher has selected Pawanmuktasana yogic training as independent variable and abdomen strength, back strength, flexibility as dependent variables.Pawanmuktasana training administrated under the supervision of researcher and training was divided in three parts.To find out the effect of Independent Variable (Pawanmuktasana Yogic Training) on Dependent Variable (Abdomen strength, back strength and Flexibility), descriptive stat stics and paired t-test was used.All statistics were calculated with SPSS 16.0. Level of significance was set at 0.05.The mean of pre & post test of Abdomen strength are 65.333 & 76.133 and t-value is 4.577. The mean of pre & post test of Back strength are127.29 & 133.82 and t-value for Back strength is 8.299. The mean of pre & post test of Flexibility of the students are 33.997 & 36.833 and t-value for flexibility 9.404 is significant at 0.05 level that shows significant difference exists between the means of pre and post test in relation to abdomen strength, back strength and flexibility of physical education students.On the basis of result and findings the present study it may be conclude that Significant effect of Pawanmuktasana yogic Training was found on Abdomen strength(r =4.577, p < .05), Back strength (r =8.299, p < .05) and Flexibility (r =9.404, p < .05).

Key words: Pawanmuktasana Yogic training, Back Strength, Abdomen strength, Flexibility

Author’s- Kunvar Singh , Dr. Ratnesh Singh

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