
Prognostication of Handball Performance as a Rationale of Coordinative Abilities by Framing Multiple Regression Models


The objective of research was to prognosticate Handball Performance as a rationale of Coordinative Abilities by framing multiple regression models. On the basis of random sampling method, seventy (N = 70) male Handball Players from different Indian Universities were selected during the Intervarsity Championship. All the subjects were from the age group of 18 to 26 years who participated in the Intervarsity Championship. For the Prognostication of Handball Performance as a Rationale of Coordinative Abilities, Handball Players (HBP) was selected as Dependent Variable (DV) and Coordinative Abilities (Orientation Ability, Differentiation Ability, Reaction Ability, Balance Ability and Rhythmic Ability) were selected as Independent Variables (IV). Multiple Regression Analysis was used to analyse data. Two models are framed for the Prognostication of Handball Performance as a Rationale Coordinative Abilities. In model one, value of R (.79) shows the relationship between dependent variable (Handball Performance) and independent variable (Orientation Ability). Value of R Square (.62) shows that 62 percent of Handball Performance is explained by Orientation Ability. In relation to model two, value of R (.81) shows the relationship between dependent variable (Handball Performance) and independent variables (Orientation Ability and Differentiation Ability). Value of Adjusted R Square (.65) shows that 65 percent of Handball Performance is explained by Orientation Ability and Differentiation Ability. Two framed models for the Prognostication of Handball Performance as a Rationale Coordinative Abilities are: (1) Handball Performance = 59.68 + -5.22 × Orientation Ability, (2) Handball Performance = 44.23 + 44.23 × Orientation Ability + .463 × Differentiation Ability.

Key Words: Handball Performance, Coordinative Abilities, Regression Model.

Authors: Devender Prakash & Rakesh Kumar Patel

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