
A comparative study of reaction ability among district, state and national level of track and field athletes

The purpose of the study was to compare the selected Reaction Ability of track and field athletes at different levels of achievement. It was hypothesized that there may be no significant difference in Reaction Ability of track and field athletes at different levels of achievement. For the purpose of the study, 90 male track and field athletes from Gujarat were selected as a subject. Thirty athlete (n=30) from district level and thirty athlete (n=30) from state level participated as subjects for the study. Hence, purposive sampling technique was considered for selection of subjects. The age of the subjects was ranged from 15-18 years. Descriptive statistics was used to process the data prior to employing inferential statistics. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare Reaction Ability of track and field players of different level on selected criterion variables separately. Level of significance was set at 0.05The significant difference wae found between the Reaction Ability of District & State (0.0050), District & National (-0.1317) and State & National level (-0.1367).The observed sequence of performance of Reaction Ability in three groups is National>District>State. It may be concluded that Reaction Ability could be again attributed to the standard of these players their skill and performance level and more over their participation level and training process.
Key Words: Reaction Ability, athletes, District, State and National level.
Authors: Praveen Kumar Mishra
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