
A comparative study of neuroticism scale of personality traits of Football and Hockey players




The purpose of the present study was to compare neuroticism scale of university level Football and Hockey players. The present study was carried out at V.B.S. Purvanchal University, Junpur during session 2015-16 among 20 Football and 20 Hockey players and age range was between 18-28 years. “Eysenec Personality Questionnaire” by Eysenec 1975 was used to measure Neuroticism of Football and Hockey players. The mean difference of these groups were tested for significance by‘t’ test. Level of significance was set at 0.05 levels. It is evident from the result that the Football and Hockey players do not differ significantly from each other in regard to neuroticism

Keywords: Neuroticism, Personality Traits, Players.

Author – Dr. Sanjay Narayan Singh

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