
A Comparative Study of Characteristics of Athletes of Differente Geographical Conditions and It’s Role in Sports Performance

The purpose of this study is to discover that the geographical conditions have significant effect on psychological variables of athletes. The environment is an important element instrumental in the effort to promote sports has always
been acknowledged. However, neither there is any literature nor major efforts to establish the inter-relationship between environment and sports. A person’s health locus of control orientation MHLC is one of several factors that determine which health-related behaviors a person will perform. These health-related behaviors, in turn, partially determine a person’s health status. Thus, mediated by behavior, health locus of control orientation is theoretically an indirect determinant of health status. Because health beliefs are learned over the course of a lifetime, they are
themselves a function of prior health status and one’s health-related experiences, both personal and vicarious. This study examined the psychometric difference of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale in a sample of national level athletes (N = 450; coastal area= 150, Plain area-150, Hill area= 150 men athletes). The ANOVA one-way test clearly indicates that the F- Value calculated (4.009) is higher than the tabulated value (3.02). There is significant relationship among the means of costal, plain & hill area players level in relation to their multidimensional locus of control level.
Key words: Cricket, Anthropometric, Fast Bowling Performance.

Author’s- Sanjay Kumar Tyagi, Prof. Dr. Uttam N. Kendre

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