
An Association of Selected Anthropometric Variables with the Performance of Fast Bowlers

The purpose of the study was to find out relationship between selected anthropometric variables (height, weight, arm length, upper leg girth and lower leg girth) with the fast bowling performance. For the purpose of the
present study total Ten (10) right arm fast bowlers were selected in the terms of a purposive sample. The age was ranged between 18 to 28 years. The data on all the anthropometric measurement were collected by using standard procedure as
available in literature and scores for selected anthropometric variables were obtained by using the standard test/equipment namely, measuring tape, and electronic weighing machine. Fast bowling performance was considered as
dependent variables. Bowling performance was measured on the basis of subjective judgments of the experts on the basis of Run-up, Loading, Coiling and Uncoiling, Pace and Bounce of the ball, Accuracy of the ball, Difficulty in playing the
ball by the batsman. Total fifty marks given by each expert and average scores of all three experts was considered as performance of fast bowling. For the purpose of the present study to know the nature of the data descriptive statistics i.e. mean, standard deviation were calculated. To know the relationship of selected anthropometric variables and fast bowling performance Pearson product-moment correlations were calculated. All the statistics were calculated with the help of SPSS 16.0 version software. On the basis of results of the study it may be conclude that Significant relationship was found between fast bowling performance with weight (r =.659, p < .05), arm length (r =.565, p < .05), upper leg girth (r =.762, p < .05), lower leg girth (r =.560, < .05). According to the result of the study it may be conclude that insignificant relationship was found between fast bowling performance and height (r =.251, p>.05).
Key words: Cricket, Anthropometric, Fast Bowling Performance.

Author’s- Kunvar Singh, Dr. Ratnesh Singh

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