The present study was an attempt to investigate the growth pattern of the government aided school children in the state of West Bengal. This study based on three anthropometric measurements (i.e. height, weight, BMI) which collected from the government aided schools in the state of west Bengal. The sample consisted of six hundred (600) subjects where each age group two hundred (200) subjects were included. The mean and standard deviation of the growth pattern variables were stated in respect of age group. It has been observed from the study that the height, weight and BMI of children did differ according to their age group and increase in three aspects of the body with advancement of age. For the purpose of the study, the suitable statistical methods were implemented as Mean±SD; ANOVA; post-hoc LSD test and t-test. All the between means group of height (cm), weight (kg) and BMI were significant at 0.05 level (P<0.05).In respect of age, the three variables such as height (cm), weight (kg) and BMI were significantly existed as the calculated values (F=53.413, P<0.05), (F=40.156, P<0.05) and (F=14.402, P<0.05) were greater than the tabulated value (t0.05598=1.96). According to the data of the study and the study of other researchers conclusions were drawn that the Height, weight and BMI of children were difference existed in respect to their age. The higher was the age the better was the status in all the three growth pattern variables.
Key words: Growth pattern, anthropometry (Ht. Wt., BMI), 10 to 12 yrs children.
Author- Dr. Sandip Kumar Mandal