The purpose of the study was to find out the differences between physical education teachers and coaches on the variable Deep Acting.To serve the purpose of the present study 240 subjects were selected by random sampling technique. The subjects belonged to the Physical Education teachers and coaches of both the genders. Analysis of variance (2×2 factorial designs) was employed to find out the interaction of work class (i.e. Physical Education teachers and coaches) and the gender among the groups. Mean, SD and t- values were also calculated to find out the significanceof differences among various work class groups belonging to both the gender. Physical Education teachers and coachesdemonstrated significant difference on the variable of Deep Acting. Results regarding male and female group exhibited significant differences (0.05 level) on the variable Deep Acting. Significant differences occur between all the groups onthe selected variable except male teachers and female coaches which was not found to be significant on the variable.The findings of the study revealed that coaches were slightly better in relation to deep acting as compare to Physical Education teachers.
Key words: Deep Acting, Physical Education Teacher, Coaches.
Author’s- Dr. Sonia Kanwar1, Dr. Gurcharn Singh Gill