
Effect of Pranayama and Meditation on Peak Flow Rate and Resting Heart Rate of Deaf and Dumb Students

The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of pranayama and meditation on peak flow rate and resting heart rate of deaf and dumb students. Fifty deaf and dumb male students (25 each in Experimental and Control group)were selected to act as subjects for this study of age ranging from 13-18 years from Deaf and Dumb school, Meerut (Uttar Pradesh). All the subjects were selected through simple random sampling technique. Twelve weeks of pranayama and meditation training were given to the experimental group. The control group was not allowed to participate in any of thepranayama and meditation training programmes, except their routine schedule. In the present study Pranayama (Anuloma-Viloma and Bhramari) and Meditation (Mindfulness) acted as independent variables and Peak Flow Rate andResting Heart Rate acted as dependent variables. Peak Flow Rate was measured by standard Peak Flow Meter and Resting Heart Rate was measured by stop watch. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used with pre data as
covariate to find out the significant difference, if any, between the groups on both selected criterion variables separately. The statistical analysis revealed that there was significant difference in Peak Flow Rate and Resting Heart Rate at 0.05
level of confidence between the control and experimental group of deaf and dumb students. The study concluded that Pranayama and Meditation may be beneficial in improving Peak Flow Rate and regulating Resting Heart Rate of Deaf and
Dumb students.
Key words: Deaf, Dumb, Pranayama, Meditation, Peak Flow Rate and Resting Heart Rate.

Author’s-Mr. Arjun Singh Solanki, Dr. M.K. Singh

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