The present investigation aims to find out the correlation between playing ability and the anthropometric profile of Sri Lanka male crickets. The players participated from nine province (Central, Eastern, North Central, Northern, North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Uva and Western) for national sports competition (2015) in Cricket (135 players) were identified as subjects for this study. The age of the subjects ranged between 18 and 28 years as per the eligibility proforma of the individual. The Cricket playing ability was selected as dependent variable the same was assessed by subjective rating. The Height, Weight, Upper Arm Relaxed Girth. Fore Arm Girth, Chest Girth, Wrist Girth, Waist Girth, Thigh Girth, Calf Girth, Angle Girth, Acromiale Raiale Length, Raialesylion Dactylion, Midstylion Dactylion Length, Foot Length and Leg Length,. Were selected as independent variables and tested by standardized procedure. The data were collected for playing ability and other selected independent variables. In order to examine the association between
playing ability and selected independent variables simple correlation was calculated (P>.05).The result of present study shows significant association with cricket playing ability and the selected criterion variables among Sri Lankan Cricketers. Further, it shows Waist Girth has negatively correlated with performance and weight has insignificant with playing ability.
Key Words: Anthropometric, correlation, playing ability, Cricket.
Author’s- S. Joniton, Dr. V. Gopinath