To achieve the purpose of these study thirty women inter collegiate basketball players were selected from affiliated colleges of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Tamilnadu. The age of the subjects was ranged between eighteen to twenty five years. The selected subjects (N=30) were divided into two equal groups consisting of fifteen (n=15) in each. Experimental group I named as Plyometric Circuit Training (PCT), Experimental Group II- acted as Control Group (CG).Training was given for sixty minutes duration per day for three days a week in the morning session. This was done for a period of twelve weeks. After twelve weeks of training all the subjects were tested on again on agility and speed and the readings were recorded in their respective units as post-test scores. To test the significant changes made
from the base line to post test on all the groups individually, ’t’ test was applied. The significance of the means of the obtained results was tested at 0.05 level of confidence and it was concluded that there is a significant improvement in
speed and agility.
Key words: Speed, agility, plyometric, circuit training.
Author’s- V.Siva Sangari, Dr.R.Annadurai