
Comparative Effects of Mental and Ideo-Motor Training on “O Goshi” Performance in Judo

The objective of the present study was to get the influence of mental training and ideo-motor training on “O Goshi”performance in Judo. There are ninety male national level judokas from Madhya Pradesh were selected as subjects for this study. The subjects were divided into three group’s i.e. two experimental groups and one control group. Mental training & Ideo-Motor training were selected as independent variables & “O Goshi” performance in Judo was selected as dependent variable. Performance of “O Goshi” in Judo was measured by panel of three experts and score was given out of 30 points. The data were collected before the start of the experiment (pre-test) and at the end of the training period (post-test). For the study, pre-test post-test randomized group design, which consists of one control group (n=30) and two experimental groups (n=30 in each) was used. Equal numbers of subjects were assigned randomly to the groups. Two groups (Mental training group and Ideo-motor training group) served as experimental groups on which treatment was assigned and the third group served as the control group. In order to find out the effect of mental training and Ideo-motor training on learning “O Goshi” performance in Judo, analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA) was used. The level of significance was set at 0.05 level. Both the experimental treatments (Mental Training group & Ideo Motor Training Group) proved to be equally effective in learning “O Goshi”. In case of treatments, 88.6% (Partial Eta Squared =0.886) in the total variance can be explained by treatment effect and remaining 11.4 % is unexplained.
Key Words: Mental Training, Ideo-Motor Training & “O Goshi.
Authors: Kunwar Raj & Dr. Rajeev Choudhary
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