The present study based on the survey method, the researcher tried to understand the status of the degree colleges in the inter university basketball competitions. In the present study the researcher taken twenty four government and thirty two private degree colleges which were represented the inter university basketball competitions since 2012 to 2017. The total five years participation data was collected by the researcher for the study. – In the present study twenty four government and thirty two private degree colleges which were represented in the inter university basketball competitions. The percentage method and graphical method were used to analysis of the result of the study.
Objectives of the Study: To know the status of sports participation in the inter university basketball competitions from five years among government and private degree colleges of Hyderabad Karnataka region. To compare the sports participation among government and private degree colleges in inter university basketball competitions.
Hypothesis of the Study – There would be difference in sports participation in the inter university basketball competitions among government and private degree colleges of the Hyderabad Karnataka region.
Key Words: Sports Participation, Basketball
Author: Karabasappa Parameshwar
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