
Sports Participation In Inter University Cricket Competitions by Degree Colleges

The present study based on survey method, the researcher tried to know the sports participation in cricket game since five years by government and private colleges to affiliated to Gulbarga university.
Objectives of the study – to measure the number of sports participation done by the government and private colleges in cricket game at inter university competitions, to compare the sports participation among government and private colleges in inter university cricket tournaments. To find out the difference in sports participation in inter university cricket game among government and private colleges.
Sample of the study –– twenty four government and thirty two private colleges affiliated to Gulbarga University were selected for the study. The colleges which were taken participation/ represented in inter university cricket tournaments them selected as sample for the present study.
The hypothesis – there would be significant difference in sports participation in inter university cricket tournaments.
Research tool – self structure questionnaire consisted questions on the sports participation in inter university cricket tournaments in 2012 to 2017, number of participations done by the colleges in the five years of period. The basic percentage and graphical methods used in the study to interpret the data among the government and private colleges affiliated to Gulbarga University.
The result of the study showing that the private colleges sports participation higher in the inter university cricket tournaments.
Key Words: Sports Participation
Author: Karabasappa Parameshwar
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