The purpose of the study was to compare Peak Flow Rate of football trainees in Sports Authority of India. In this study two hundred eighty football fourteen different players training at training centres and sub centres of Sports Authority of India were selected. Twenty football players with their age ranging between 18-22 years were selected from each Sports Authority of India training centres and sub centres.
To characterize football players by Peak Flow Rate, the Descriptive statistics were used. To examine significant differences in different Sports Authority of India training centres and sub centres of India, Descriptive statistics and Analysis of Variance were calculated with the help of SPSS and was tested at 0.05 level of significance.
The results were analyzed statistically and on the basis of the obtained results from the present study it may be concluded that among different training centres and sub centres of SAI significant differences were observed in the peak flow rate.
Key Words: Peak Flow Rate, Football Trainees, SAI
Author’s-Prof. Spohie Titus, Sarika Brahma Hazarika