
An Impact of Different Pace of Walking on Body Mass Index and Selected Chd Risk Factor of College Men Students

The present study is aimed to achieve an impact of different pace of walking on Body Mass Index and selected CHD risk factors of college men students. For the purpose of study forty five college men students studying J.J College of Arts and Science, Pudukkottai, Tamilnadu, India were selected as subjects and they were assigned equally into three groups of fifteen each. Group I underwent slow continuous walking, Group II underwent fast continuous walking and group III acted as control they did not participate in any specified training. The age, height and weight of the subjects were ranged from 18 to 21 years, 163 to 171 cms and 54 to 66 kg respectively. Experimental groups (Group I & II) underwent the respective training programme for duration of twelve weeks at the rate of three days a week, whereas the control group remain as normal with sedentary life. Body Mass index and coronary heart disease risk factor Total cholesterol (TC) was selected as a dependent variables. Body Mass Index was measured by administering age, height and weight of the individual, Total cholesterol (TC) was assessed by Blood sample tests. All the groups were tested on selected criterion variables prior to and immediately after the training periods. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was
used to determine the differences, if any, among the adjusted post- test means. Whenever F ratio for adjusted post-test mean was found to be significant, then Scheffe’s test was applied as a post – hoc test to determine the paired mean
differences. The level of significance was fixed at .05 level of confidence for all the cases. The resulting data revealed that twelve weeks of slow continuous walking and Brisk continuous walking were found to be benefited among college men
students compared to control.
Key Words: Slow Continuous Walking, Brisk Continuous Walking, Body Mass Index, Total Cholesterol.

Author’s- Dr. K. Jagathis Babu, Dr. D. Raman, Mr. U. Chellapandi

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