The purpose of the present study was to compare the level of self-esteem between male and female B.Ed. intercollegiate athletes of Bilaspur University. Forty athletes (Male N=20, Female N=20) who have represented B.Ed. intercollegiate competition were taken as the subjects. The age of the subjects ranged from 20 to 30 years. To find out their level of self-esteem, Rosenberg self – esteem scale developed by Rosenberg (1965) was administered on the subjects. The data was analyzed & compared with the help of standard statistical procedures in which mean, standard deviation, mean difference, and ’t’ test was used. Result of the study revealed no significant difference between male & female B.Ed. intercollegiate athletes of Bilaspur University in regard to self – esteem.
Key Words: Intercollegiate, Self-Esteem, Athlete and Rosenberg self – Esteem Scale.
Authors: Sravan Kr. Singh Yadav & Dr. Mahendra Kumar Singh
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