The objective of the study was to examine selected anthropometric and physical fitness components between volleyball and basketball players. One hundred (n=50 volleyball & n=50 basketball) subjects were selected. The subject’s age was ranging from 16 to 19 years. In this study, selected anthropometric parameters and physical fitness components were selected as variables. Body weight was measured by weighing machine, Height was measured by stadiometer and B.M.I. was simple measured of the lean weight and fat weight components. On the others variables i.e. speed was measured by 50 meter sprint test, explosive strength was measured by standing broad jump, strength endurance test was measured by Bend Knee Sit-ups, coordinative ability test was measured by 4 x 100 meter shuttle run and flexibility was measured by sit & reach test. Static Group comparison design was used. To compare selected anthropometric and physical fitness components, Independent t-test was used at .05 levesl of significance. Results showed that no any significant differences were founded in case of Body weight (t=0.142 p>.05), Height (t=0.213, p>.05), B.M.I. (t=0.525, >.05), speed (t=0.787, p>.05), explosive strength (t=1.023, p>.05), strength endurance (t=0.496, >.05), coordinative ability (t=0.313, p>.05) and flexibility (t=1.011, p>.05) between volleyball and basketball players.
Key Words: Anthropometric, Physical Fitness, Volleyball & Basketball Players.
Authors: Pankaj Kumar Tripathi & Dr. Nand lal Mishra
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