In this present study the researcher wanted to find out the effect of the motivational like rewards, regnition, presence of others, goal setting and punishment on the endurance of football players of Gulbarga university. The researcher made experiment study on the football players and conducted pre test of endurance through 12 minutes cooper test to measure the endurance among the sample than after one week he introduced the motivational technique reward and explained about the cash prizes and medals to the best performer than he conducted the post test and again measured the endurance among the football players. The objectives – to measure the level of endurance of football players of Gulbarga University. To find out the effect of reward on the endurance of football players of Gulbarga university. The hypothesis of the study: There is significant effect of motivational technique on the endurance of football players; there is significance difference in endurance level in pre and post tests among football players. Sample of the study: Fifty male football players were selected from Gulbarga University, the sample was given the instruction about the study but the reward was introduced only in post test. Tools: The motivational techniques reward was used in this study, and 12 minutes walk/run cooper test also used to measure the endurance among the sample group.
Statistical techniques like mean, SD, t tests were used to find out the effect of reward on the endurance of football players of Gulbarga University.
Key Words: Reward, Sports Performance.
Author: Pradeepkumar Mahantagouda
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