
Effect of Pranayama on Breath Holding Capacity, Heart Rate and Exhale Capacity of College Girls

The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of Pranayama on breath holding capacity, heart rate and exhale capacity of colligate students. For the purpose of the study college girls students were selected at random from Colleges Ahmedabad. They were studying in the college, Ahmedabad and their age ranges from 18 to 25 years. Eighty girls selected as subjects for this study. All the subjects were divided into two groups consisting of forty subjects each. The Subjects was selected by using simple random sampling method. Stop watch was used to measure the Breath holding capacity, Stethoscope was used for counting the heart rate of the subjects and Peak Flow meter was used to measure the exhale capacity. The data thus collected were put to statistical treatment computing independents’’ test to find out the differences, if any between the pre and post test. Further the level of significance was set at 0.05. In this research it is observed that there has been significance difference between the pre and post test experimental group in breath holding capacity, heart rate and exhale capacity. There has been not significance difference between the pre and post test control group in breath holding capacity, heart rate and exhale capacity. This study indicated that regular pranayamas is beneficial for human health and future generation.
Keywords: Pranayama, Breath Holding Capacity, Heart Rate.
Authors: Navnitkumar P. Jadav  &  Dr. JayendrasinhThakor
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