Objective: The purpose of the study was to compare the level of sports competition anxiety between basketball and volleyball players of Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.) Varanasi. Methodology: To achieve these purpose 24 male (basketball N-12 & volleyball N-12) players were selected during the Inter-University camp practice from B.H.U Varanasi. The age level of the subjects ranged between 20-25 years. For the above study subjects were measured through .standardized test of sports competition anxiety test (STAT) questionnaire constructed and developed by Renier Martin (1990) was used. Statistical Technique: For the purpose of the study employed independent t-test was used to analyze data in order to determine the sports competition Anxiety difference between basketball and volleyball players. Result: As obtained result t-value-0.533 was found to be insignificant at 0.05 level, since this value was found lower than the tabulated value-2.073 at 22 df. Conclusion: That’s why the study was concluded that there was no significant difference found between basketball and volleyball players in comparison of sports competition anxiety.
Key Words: Sports Competition Anxiety, STAT, Male, Basketball and Volleyball.
Author’s-Shesh Nath Chauhan, Dr. Ram Das