
An Association of Body Mass Index and Body Fat Percentage with Blood Lipid Profile of University Employee

The purpose of the present study was to find out the relationship of Body mass index and body fat percentage with blood lipid profile (Haemoglobin, Random blood sugar and Triglyceride) of the university employee. Total hundred employees selected as subjects from Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Bilaspur Chhattisgarh. The samples selected for the present study was working at different department in different nonteaching posts (office assistant, junior office assistant, technical assistant, laboratory assistant and lab attendant). For the purpose of the present study body mass index and body fat percentage selected as independent variables and blood lipid profile (haemoglobin, random blood sugar and triglyceride selected as dependent variables. For determining the relationships of Body mass index and Body fat percentage with blood lipid profile of university employee (office workers), descriptive statistics and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was used. All the data was calculated with the help of SPSS (16.0 version) software and the level of significance was set at 0.05 level of confidence. On the basis of results and findings of the study it may conclude that significant relationship was observe between body mass index and random blood sugar level (r = .315, p <.05), body mass index and triglyceride (r =.282, p <.05). Significant relationship was found between body fat percentage and random blood sugar level (r = .303, p <.05), body fat percentage with triglyceride (r =.253, p <.05). Result of the study indicate that insignificant relationship was observe between body mass index and haemoglobin (r =.038, p >.05), body fat percentage and haemoglobin (r =.003, p >.05).
Key Words: Body mass index, Body fat percentage, Haemoglobin, Random blood sugar, Triglyceride.
Authors: Prof. Vishan Singh Rathore & Kunvar Singh
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