The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of Aerobics and Zumba on selected Body Composition variables of 20 to 25 years working women. Total 90 working women participated in this study, out of which 30 subjects were selected at random for the Aerobics group another 30 subjects were selected at random for the Zumba group and other 30 subjects were considered as the member of the control group. The subjects were selected from various non govt. and corporate sectors office of Salt Lake and Newtown area of Kolkata. Body Fat Percentage, Muscle mass percentage and Bone Mineral Density were measured Pre and Post of the treatment. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted to identify the effect of Aerobics and Zumba on Body composition variables. Results indicates that There was significant difference between both Aerobics and Zumba group with control group (p=.000), in both case p- value is less than 0.05 level of significance.
Key Words: Aerobics, Zumba, Body Fat Percentage, Muscle Mass Percentage, Bone Density.
Author’s-Sajal Kumar Biswas, Dr. Kanchan Bandopadhyay