
Effect of Yogic Practices and Aerobic Training on Selected Physiological Variables among College Men Students

The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yogic practices and aerobic training on selected physiological variables such as resting pulse rate, body composition and cardio vascular endurance among college men students. Thirty college men students in the age group of 18 to 24 years from Thiagarajar college of engineering students.The study was formulated as a random group design consisting of specific yogic practices and aerobic training groups. Thesubjects (N=30) were randomly divided into three equal groups. Experimental group I – was administered yogic practicesgroup, Experimental group II- aerobic training and control group not exposed to any training. All the groups were subjected to pre-test prior to the experimental treatment. The experimental groups participated in their respectiveschedules for the duration of 12 weeks, five days in a week. Analysis of Co-variance (ANACOVA) was applied to determine the significance of mean difference between the three groups. When F-ratio was found to be significant, the Scheffe’s post hoc test was applied to test the significance of pairs of the adjusted final group means. Practice of the yogic andaerobic training significantly effective in promoting desirable changes in the dependent variables.
Key Words: Yogic Practices, Aerobic Training, Resting Pulse Rate, Body Mass Index, Cardio Vascular Endurance.

Author’s- M.Karthik, Dr.S.R.V.Ravindran

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