The purpose of the study was to measure the effect of Psychological Skill Training Program (PST) on the selected psychological variables including Goal setting, Self-confidence, Imagery, Stress Control and Relaxation. In college aged Delhi-NCR males. For conducting the study purposive sampling of 48 males with age (21.22±1.17), height (166.96±3.90) and weight (61.41±3.65) have been done. The subjects received PST program for 12 weeks and the collection of data has been done two times, before and after giving the PST program. The selected psychological variables were measured with the help of OMSAT-3 Questionnaire. For statistical analysis and measuring the effect of the PST program on the selected psychological variables of the subjects, pre-post scores were computed with mean, standard deviation and the training effect was analyzed through the paired-sample “t” test in SPSS 22. The level of significance has been kept at 0.05 levels of significance in each of the group comparisons. Results: All the selected variables (Goal setting, Self-confidence, Imagery, Stress Control, Relaxation) show a significant difference at 0.05 level of significance between pre and post groups hence we can conclude that PST program has a significant effect on the selected variables.
Key Words: Goal Setting, Self-confidence, Imagery, Stress Control, Relaxation. Psychological Skill Training and OMSAT-3 Questionnaire
Authors: Vishal Singh, Bharat Kumar & Samiran Chakraborty
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