
Self-Stretching in Standing Position to Improve Flexibility of Ilio-tibial Band Tightness

Objective: To determine the most efficient and effective stretch method for improving the flexibility of iliotibial band (ITB) by comparing the self-stretching in standing position of arms extending overhead (Group-A) and affected side arm placed on the wall (Group-B). Methods: An experimental study was conducted among 20 male athletic students aged 18 -28 years who had ITB tightness assessed by physical assessment. Of the 20 participants, 10 were in group-A and 10 were in group-B. The ITB flexibility was measured using universal goniometer in Siegel’s prone position method. The ROM was measured before demonstrating the self-stretching and repeated at end of the fourth week. Results: The two stretches created statistically significant changes in ITB flexibility. The post-test results revealed that there is a significant difference between arms extending overhead (Mean ROM=12.30) and the affected arm placed over the wall (Mean ROM=9.20) on ITB flexibility [t (18) = 3.426, p = 0.003]. Conclusions: This study confirms that the position in standing with arms extending overhead is more effective and improving the flexibility of ITB than the position practiced is standing with the affected arm placed over the wall.
Key Words: Ilio-tibial band, Stretching, Flexibility, Tightness, Knee.

Author’s- Manivel Arumugam, Pitchaimani Govindharaj
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