
Sports Nutrition: A Plan for Successful Diet Management

The aim of this Paper is to throw some light on nutritional aspects of sports, in particular those related to the nutritional demands made by sporting activities, and how these can be addressed. High levels of physical activity as a consequence of training or competition significantly increase daily energy expenditure (by up to 3-fold) depending on an individual’s physical fitness, body size, and the type and intensity of sport. Sports nutrition plays a key role in optimizing the beneficial effects of physical activity. For this reason athletes must increase their energy and nutrient intake. This increased food intake should be nutritionally balanced and particular attention paid to carbohydrate and water intake. There are lot of food stuffs which are concentrated sources of nutrients, vitamins or other substances with a nutritional
or physiological effect whose purpose is to enhance the normal diet. Consuming the right balance of food and drink is important for everyone. Making better decisions with your nutrition and hydration can result in improved performance, recovery and injury prevention. It also focuses on their types and needs according to requirement.
Key Words: Dietary Supplements, Food, Anti Oxidants, Lifestyle, Nutrition and Health.

Author- Dr. Ramesh Chand

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