
A Study on Anthropometric Profile and Somatotype of Sub-Junior Kabaddi Players of West Bengal

Objective: The aim of present investigation was to find out the anthropometric variables and somatotype and to compare these between sub-junior rural and urban kabaddi players of west Bengal.
Methodology: For the purpose of the study 30 boys and 30 girls (Total 60) subject were randomly chosen of which fifteen boys and fifteen girls (Br=15 & Gr=15) were from rural area and rest fifteen boys and fifteen girls (Bu=15 & Gu=15 )
were from urban area. The age of the subjects ranged from 12-16 years. For the purpose of the study subject were selected from Chakdaha Kabaddi Association, Chandannagar Saptasammilani Sangha, Naihati Kabaddi Club and
Mankundu Friends’ Union Club. Written consent was taken prior to the collection of data from the secretary of the unit of the respective clubs. Anthropometric measurements of all the subjects were taken by appropriate tools and techniques
according to the guidelines of revised Heath & Carter somatotype manual (2002) which was used for calculating somatotype in the present study. Statistics: Mean standard deviation (SD) and independent t-test were the statistics used in the study for data interpretation. Level of significant difference between two groups was set at p<0.05. For statistical calculations Excel Spread sheet of windows version10 was used. Result: Significant difference was observed in only anthropometric variables i.e. humerous bredth and only somatotype component i.e. endomorphy between the rural and urban sub-junior boys kabaddi players of West Bengal. But no significant difference was observed in any anthropometric variables and somatotype components between the rural and urban sub-junior girl’s kabaddi players of West Bengal.
Conclusion: It can be concluded form the results of the study that the Rural and urban sub-junior girls and boys kabaddi player of West Bengal are predominantly endomorphic in somatotype. In humerous breadth and mesomorphy the rural
sub-junior boy’s kabaddi players are significantly higher than the urban sub-junior boy’s kabaddi players. On the other hand there is no significant difference in anthropometric variables and somatotype components between rural and urban
girl’s sub-junior kabaddi players of West Bengal.
Key Words: Rural area, Urban area, Somatotype, Endomorphy, Mesomorphy, Ectomorphy

Author’s- Dr. Sandip Sankar Ghosh,Miss. Sampa Bhowmick

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