
Effect of Kalaripayattu on Selected Physical Fitness and Physiological Variables of School Children

The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of kalaripayattu training and karate training, onselected physical, physiological variables among high school boys. And the sub purpose of the study was to find out which of the training programme is more effect among the selected training programmes. To achieve the purpose of this study the investigator selected sixty (N=60) school boys. 20 subjects were assigned to each group namely, the kalaripayattu training group (nkp), karate training groups (nkt) and to a control group (ncn). The study was formulated as pre and post test randomize control group design, in which sixty school boys were divided into three equal groups. The experimental group – 1 (n=20 KPG) underwent kalaripayattu training, the experimental group – 2 (n=20 KTG) underwent karate training and group – 3 served as control group (n = 20 CNG) who did not undergo any specific training. Considering the nature of the training method chosen the following performance variables were selected as dependent variables – physical
variable; namely agility, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance and physiological variables namely; vo2 max and resting heart rate. Independent variables – in the study, three different training approaches were adopted as independent variables; kalaripayattu training (KPG) and karate training (KTG). The collected data were statistically examined for significant difference by dependent ‘t’ test. No attempt was made to equate the groups in any manner. Hence, to make adjustments for difference in the initial means and test the adjusted post test means for significant differences, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used. Whenever the ‘F’ ratio was found to be significant, LSD (Least Significant
Difference) test was used as post-hoc test to determine which of the paired means differed significantly. In all cases, the criterion for statistical significance was set at 0.05 level of confidence (P < 0.05). The findings of the study are, the first (1)
the statistical result shows that the given kalaripayattu and karate has produced significant results when compared with pre and post test scores. The second (2) that the results shows that there was no significant difference in training
programme for improving selected physical fitness and physiological variables.
Key Words: Kalaripayattu, Physical Fitness, Physiological Variables.

Author- Mr. Baby Shijansha KP

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