
Comparison of Self-Confidence and Frustration Tolerance between the National Players of Volleyball

In present scenario, it is of utmost importance for the Physical Education Coaches & Teachers to recognize that science of psychology plays the vital role in the domain of Physical Education and Sports. It is binding on the physical educators, coaches and sports individuals to have understanding of psychology in general and sport psychology in particular. Volleyball is very trendy game worldwide as recreational or competitive sport which has been enjoyed by many citizens of all the different ages and ability levels. Psychologists have noted that an individual can own self-confidence that accomplishes a particular work. It is normally stated that students’ self confidence having a vital role in their achievement level in the capacity of learning in different ways which can sometimes be complex are majorly impacted by the student’s self-confidence. Frustration is an emotional response to the situations where one faces hurdles in achieving the individual’s personal goals. The purpose of the study was to compare the Self-confidence and frustration tolerance between the national players of volleyball. For achieving the purpose 200 National level Volleyball Player’s and they were divided in 100 each category i.e. senior and junior National level volleyball players. Seniors players were having the age above 21 years and Junior Players age was below 19 years. The research was conducted on male Volleyball Players. To compare the players the Self Confidence and Frustration Tolerance were considered as criterion of the study. The statistical technique that had been used to compare the selfconfidence and frustration tolerance between the national players of volleyball t-test was exclusively employed. The present study showed the significant difference in Achievement Motive and Frustration Tolerance among the Senior and Junior Volleyball Players.
Key Words: Self-Confidence, Frustration Tolerance, National Volleyball Players.
Authors Name: Sharad Chaudhary & Dr. Sandeep Kumar
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