The aim of the study was to compare the blood pressure patterns during hand grip test in relation to aerobic fitness (VO2max) of high and low fitness groups of high altitude male youth. The high and low fitness groups were determined by VO2max ranks of 242 healthy male youth samples of Kashmir (attitude: 6070 feet/1850 meters. The study was conducted on 70 samples among which top 35 ranks were considered in HFG and bottom 35 ranks were considered in LFG. The age of the
subjects ranged from 18 to 23 years. The purpose of the study was to compare between the high fitness group (HFG) and low fitness group (LFG) in regard to blood pressure reactivity patterns during hand grip test (CPT) of high altitude male youth,
which will be useful for evaluation, grading, grouping and monitoring of their aerobic fitness Data was collected using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope was used to record the blood pressure of the subjects at various
timings of hand grip test (one of the autonomic testing protocol) and by using hand grip dynamometer for measuring the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC )of the subjects and for performing the hand grip test. The selected variables were age in
years, body weight in kilograms (B.Wt.), height in centimeters (Ht.), resting heart rate (HRrest), Basal Blood Pressure (BslBP), pulse pressure (PP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), change of diastolic blood pressure at two minutes of hand grip test
(HGT2CDBP), change of diastolic blood pressure at four minutes of hand grip test (HGT4CDBP), change of diastolic blood pressure at six minutes of hand grip test (HGT6CDBP),systolic blood pressure at one minute of hand grip test (HGTSBP1),diastolic blood pressure at one minute of hand grip test (HGTDBP1), systolic blood pressure at two minute of hand grip test (HGTSBP2), diastolic blood pressure at two minute of hand grip test (HGTDBP2), systolic blood pressure at four
minutes of hand grip test (HGTSBP4), diastolic blood pressure at four minute of hand grip test (HGTDBP4), systolic blood pressure at six minute of hand grip test (HGTSBP6) and diastolic blood pressure at six minute of hand grip test (HGTDBP6),
For statistical analysis the collected data was computed with mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variance and independent‘t’ test. The major findings reflect significant difference between HFG and LFG in regard to VO2max (t =47.66),
(r=0.99); HRrest (t =-4.28), (r=0.46); CDBPHGT2Min(t=6.16),(r=0.60); CDBPHGT4Min(t=5.36),(r=0.54); CDBPHGT6Min (t=5.61), (r=0.56); DBPHGT2Min (t=2.04), (r=0.24); DBPHGT4Min (t=2.25) ,(r=0.26); SBPHGT6Min (t=2.29), (r=0.27) andDBPHGT6Min (t=2.68), (r=0.31). The results show that the recovery of Blood Pressure Patterns Following Hand Grip Strength Testwas faster in HFG than that of LFG. The study concluded that the HFG were significantly better equipped in recovering their Blood Pressure Patterns than that of LFG.
Key Words: Blood Pressure, Cold Pressor Test, Heart Rate, High Altitude, Kashmir.
Author’s- Sajjad Ahmad Bhat, Bharat Kumar, Dhananjoy Shaw