Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the sports achievement motivation among throwing, power lifting and weight lifting players in west Uttar Pardesh.
Methods: Subject for the study was 150 players for throwing, power lifting and weight lifting game state level players. 50 players were selected from throwers, 50 players were selected from power lifters and while another 50 players were selected from weight lifters. The age level of subjects ranged from 18 to 22 years. All the subjects were residing at west Uttar Pardesh. Stand and progressive matrices organizational stress test was administered for the assessment of Sports Achievement Questionnaire. To find out significant deference among three groups, ANOVA was employed. The analysis of data revealed the significant difference among throwing, power lifting and weight lifting players.
Results and Discussion: The result showed that the sports achievement motivation among throwing, power lifting and weight lifting players have significant difference. The post hock test to compare the sports achievement motivation among throwing, power lifting and weight lifting players has clearly revealed the in significant difference between throwing players and power lifting players, throwing players and weight lifting players and power lifting players and weight lifting players.
Key Words: Sports Achievement Motivation, Players.
Authors: Dr. Ashok Kumar & Dr. Divesh Chaudhary
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