
Effect of Prandharana and Tratak on Coordinative Abilities of Undergraduate Sports Science Trainees


The objective of the study was to determine the effect of Prandharana and Tratak on selected coordinative abilities. The ninety male physical education students from Madhya Pradesh were selected as subject for this study. The age of the subjects was ranged from 18-25 years. The subjects were divided into three groups i.e. Two experimental groups (Prandharana and Tratak) and one control group. The study was taken on the basis of available Literature on Co-coordinative abilities and their tests findings of the related research studies. Keeping in the mind about specific purpose of the study, the following Co-ordinative abilities were selected:  Orientation Ability differentiation Ability. Based on the findings and within the limitations of the study, it is noticed that practice of Prandharna and Tratak helped to improve some coordinative abilities of physical education student. It was seen that there is progressive improvement in some coordinative abilities of experimental groups of physical education students after ten weeks of practice.

Key Words: Prandharana, Tratak, & Coordinative Abilities.

Author: Dr. Jitendra Pratap Singh

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