
Competitive State Anxiety among College Football Players

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the levels of intensity and direction of the competitive state anxiety in university football players prior to a competition and to investigate any possible differences between male and female players, as well as in relation to their athletic experience. The sample of the study consisted of 115 football players. For the data collection, the model used was the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-II (CSAI-II, Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump & Smith, 1983; Martens et al., 1990; Jones & Swain, 1992). All players filled in the questionnaire 30 minutes
before the competition. The results showed that male football players reported lower scores of cognitive anxiety, which was facilitative to performance. On the other hand, females displayed a higher score in cognitive anxiety, which was rather debilitative to performance. Furthermore, male football players displayed higher self-confidence, with positive effects on their performance, while female football players stated lower self-confidence, which was neither facilitative nor debilitative to performance. In relation to years of experience, the results revealed that players with four to six years of experience showed higher self-confidence with facilitating direction, while players with less years of experience displayed lower self-confidence, with neither facilitative nor debilitative effects on their performance. In conclusion, the
psychological preparation of college football players must be taken into serious consideration, during the coaching procedure. Nonetheless, further investigation is needed for the generalisation of the results in college football.
Key Words -State Anxiety, Football Players.

Author-Dr. Sandeep Kundu

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